

Definitely one of my favorite projects. It took me a while but the pay off was awesome. I saw the video that I crafted in my basement cope with my season being lost get recognized by one of the icons in my sport. It was an awesome experience.

Triple Jump Hype Video

I am one of the few passionate people about Triple Jump. It is my main event in track at BU. That being said, about a year ago, during the beginning of quarantine, my senior season in highschool was put on hold. I decided to make a Triple Jump Hype Video and use clips of the two Olympic Jumpers for the USA, Christian Taylor and Will Claye. I made the video cinematic and used an awesome backing track from 2WEI, "Survivor" to make an epic video. After making the video I DM'd large track pages on Instagram to feature the video and a few large pages reposted it. Christian Taylor, the Olympian featured in the video, commented on the video as well.