Hi, I'm Richard. 👋


[at Boston Univ.]

About Me

I am a student-athlete at Boston University. Specifically, I'm a track athlete and do Triple Jump and Long Jump.
I am passionate about media production, full stack web development, and UX design. - I developed this website from the ground up using Node.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS.
I am studying CS and Business at Boston University. Thank you for stopping by, make sure to join the team to stay updated with my blog and my Tik Tok that has over 180k followers!

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Featured Projects

Bounce Factory

SaaS Web Application developed from the ground up using Django and Tailwind CSS. Hosted on AWS and served with Nginx. The site aims to provide training and tools for amateur athletes from anywhere. It's integrated with the BounceAI, Google Analytics, Send Grid, Twilio, Stripe, social logins and other tools.

My Tik Tok

Gained over 180k followers, 20M people reached, 17% engagement rate in 6 months. Posted 250+ videos of completely original content.


Patent-pending algorithm that measures a person's vertical jump from a slo-motion video. Uses Google's Video Intelligence AI and positional data to predict vertical jump, peak height, time in air, projected vertical with training, and more...

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Math, Computer Science 8/13/2022

Why discrete math is awesome.

After spending a summer taking discrete math, I am excited to share the benefits of taking such a high level math class.

Stripe API, Web Development 7/31/2022

Authorization Charges for Trials using Stripe

Using the Stripe API, I was able to develop a process to run authorization charges on cards used for opt-out trials - increasing trial conversions and eliminating prepaid and cards unable to pay for the subscription from beginning their trial.

Social 9/1/2021

Moving Back to Boston University as a Sophomore

My thoughts on returning to Boston University and the differences in from it's previous locked down state.

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🥳 Stay up to date with my blog! 🥳


Boston University [630]-808-1663 rbueh@bu.edu