My First Commissioned Project

By: Richard Buehling

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What an experience

Let me start off by saying that making a website for yourself and having complete control over what you want to make and how you want it to look is a completely different ball game then working for someone to build out their vision.


The website that we were asked to build out was for the logistics company, The 357 Company, and it was such a great experience into understanding what it is like building out a site for someone else. I wanted to build out a site that follows a more modern and completely revamped site from their original site but they simply wanted to keep the old site the exact way it was and for us to build out a few extra pages for the new site and implement our blog functionality.

This was harder than it sounds because we develop websites using HTML, CSS, and JS and the old site was made on a CRM so we had to pull the source code in order to replicate the site and use our code to build out more of it. Additionally, we had to set up the code in a Node.js environment.

From there we implemented our blog functionality and built out the site using VS Code's Remote SSH so we could show our client our work as we worked on it live. We used Tailwind CSS as a CSS framework to build out the design of the Kerbsyde and Blog page.

Being able to show our work live was really helpful working with The 357 Company as they could immediately judge our work and tell us what to do. This resulted in a very seamless and transparent communication process that ensured their vision would be met.

My Thoughts

This was such a great experience with working for someone and building out their vision and satisfying what they needed. I was happy to get this experience and look forward to more commercial projects!
