Moving Back to Boston University as a Sophomore

By: Richard Buehling

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Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore

After spending a year in a locked-down campus, I was, understandably, stunned at what BU is like as an open university. Being able to go to other people's dorms, having the dining hall open, not needing to wear masks when we are outside, etc. brings a completely different feel to BU than I had experienced last year. It's hard to put into words but things just seem more inclusive this year and I am starting to feel the sense of community that was mentioned frequently by upperclassmen on campus.

How this affects sports

Last year was tough for every athlete in the world as many of us had our seasons cut short or canceled altogether. BU was no exception to this. In my freshman season, I had a total of two meets and this was after my entire senior season was canceled. Now, that being said, this year, with vaccines being rolled out, we have a full season. The Track and Tennis Center at BU will once be alive with meets. To say that I am excited would be an understatement as I haven't had a full season in over a year. I just want to jump again and it seems that finally, after ups and downs with this virus, we will be getting a full season, if not very close to one.

Classes and schoolwork

I think that e-learning was a struggle for everyone. Now, I, for one, am actually a fan of the e-learning system, however, I know that it has not provided the quality of education that we as a nation need and, more so, a prestigious educational institution like Boston University should provide. This being said, I haven't sat in a classroom in over a year and I am ready to get back to it.

All in all, BU is fundamentally a different school from the one that I went to last year and I am excited to see how this year as a whole will go with the changes.
